Co-creating a Peaceful and Compassionate World that Works for All

Working with Leaders at all levels, all areas, and all across the Globe.

Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership

Our Vision, Values and Mission

As we transition to a new world- more spiritually fulfilling, socially just, and environmentally sustainable-we will need more compassion, peace, and healing than ever before.

Peace, compassion, and healing for ourselves, for others and for the environment, and for all earthlings. We will also need to foster more peaceful and compassionate organizations and governance; those which are environmentally sustainable and life-affirming.

The Foundation has a vision of catalyzing peace, healing and compassionate leadership in the world, starting with the people in India, our subcontinent and thence to South Asia, and the Rest of the World. 

The Values that drive the organization are easy to recall through the radiant mnemonic, LIGHT – standing for, Love, Integration, Generative-dialogue, Health and Trust. The above vision will be manifest through the designing and hosting of Outreach Programs for Schools and Young Leaders; Retreats for Decision-makers, Business Executives and Jurists, as well as Workshops, Conferences, and specific Community-oriented Projects – all aimed at creating a ground-swell of support for Peace, Healing, Compassion, and Wholesome Development, in India and the world.

We will also be nurturing global Communities of Practice, comprising people who are aligned with the vision of One Wholesome World, and who are working on projects that bring the benefits of development to those needing it the most.

Raising the Consciousness of World Leaders, enabling them to experience the Oneness of Life and work actively from that understanding. Helping all to know that Action, Integrity, and Courage together, lead to Social Justice, Equity, Peace, and the Greater Good of All.

Inspiring the next generation of Global Leaders to work from the Source of Wholesomeness, and serve the greater good of all.

Developing Compassionate schools that are a healthy and supportive eco-systems of learning, where children of all ages understand, and live by the Values that support Life; and who are sensitized to self-control, Emotional Mastery, Tolerance, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Collaboration, Service, and Responsibility. Where students can contribute to society as Peace Pioneers, developing compassionate, respectful, and peaceful communities.

Reimagining and Co-Creating a Wholesome World through Impactful Projects

A Global Social Enterprise for Wholesome Development

The Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership (FPCL) is a Section 8 Company (non-profit) under the Indian Companies Act (2013), headquartered in Pune. It was founded in 2019.

The Mission of the Foundation is to create and deploy organizations, systems, technologies, protocols, mechanisms, processes, projects, human-talent and appropriate resources to bring the Foundation’s credo alive in the service of Humanity and Planet Earth.

The Paradigms of Development and Governance that have been followed so far have resulted in (as representative examples)-

We believe that the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs) are a potent set of inter-related targets that capture the deep yearning and aspirations of all people to live peacefully, happily and amply; in a world where Mother Earth retains her potent life-giving qualities – not just for us, but for generations yet unborn.

For Humanity as a whole to collaborate to make the SDGs come to fruition in the next decade, and thereby reverse  any and all adverse social, environmental and spiritual trends, calls for leaders and influencers around the globe to alter the paradigm and the metrics by which we gauge development and human well-being. We will need to consciously rely more on Love, Integration, Compassion, Equity, Peace and focused action, on specific and impactful projects, to usher in what we call, Wholesome Development.

What We Do

We help people and leaders across the world appreciate that love and peace are the way, whereby all differences can be reconciled and celebrated. Furthermore, we help people understand that the Source of Life is the same for all Beings.

This understanding enables the values of Inclusion, and Equity to be strengthened. These insights also provide the means to defuse and eliminate some of the pressing threats to humanity, that emerge from an over-exploitation and inequitable sharing of natural resources, and a desire for domination at the individual and collective levels. At the level of communities, the paradigm can foster amity, collaboration, and problem-solving; and enable societies to become inclusive, harmonious, productive, wholesome, and peaceful.

A world that we would be proud to bequeath to our children and the generations after them, would be one of love, ethical behaviour, and peace. It will be a world in which people care for one another, as well as for the environment. It will be a world governed by deep love and compassion.

Businesses that are well-run have the power to bring material happiness to humanity. Many of the affordable innovations that we take for granted – in realms ranging from  Energy, Mobility, Medicine, Communications, and Entertainment to Agriculture, Nutrition, health, and Wellness – are the results of the right technologies, and scientific discoveries amalgamated to make our material lives better through affordable products and services. Ensuring Sustainable Livelihoods for all through innovative projects and entrepreneurship development, therefore, need to be actively pursued.

We lead the way in creating schools that are healthy and supportive eco-systems of learning, where children of all ages understand and live by the Values that support Life; and who are sensitized to self-control, Emotional Mastery, Tolerance, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Collaboration, Service and Responsibility. Compassionate schools promote freedom of expression, work towards inclusion, and the absence of discrimination on any and all grounds.

A Vision that is aligned to wholeness, and to our Innermost space of joy and peace, is a potent starting point for something good to materialize. Even when disturbing world events occur, we can rely on our imagination to focus and concentrate on our positive vision and the outcomes that we wish to bring to fruition.

Compassionate Leadership starts with this all-inclusive approach, where there’s an unwavering spotlight on the Values and the Actions that are required to be brought to bear on Leadership in every walk of life.

Get Involved

Anyone  - anywhere in the world - who is committed to Peace, Compassionate Leadership, and has the time and the energy to contribute to Actionable Projects for the creation of a Wholesome World that Works for all, is welcome to get involved with the work that we do.

All that we seek is that those who wish to get involved with us should be kind, truthful, unbiased, inclusive, tolerant, polite, and action-oriented.

Here are a few suggested ways for you to get involved:


Assistance with Outreach and Friends-raising, Preparation of Materials, Conducting Sessions in Schools, Assignments at the World Unity Centre, Fundraising and Afforestation

Initiating Projects

Conducting Impactful projects which have a metric-based, documentable, and visible impact on the lives of people, and the well-being of the environment is important for the manifestation of our purpose. If you think you can initiate, enlist people and lead such a project, get in touch with us.

Using Your Skills

You may be gifted with a distinctive set of skills and capabilities that can be harnessed for the well-being of people and our planet. Do you think you have some such gifts? If yes, reach out to us, and let’s together put our creative caps together to determine how best we may use your skills to make a better world. 

Conducting Events

There are a number of events that can be conducted for leaders in all walks of life, to take the message of Peace and Compassionate Leadership forward. This requires effective planning and execution. If you think you have the skills and the time to do this jointly with others from the Foundation, do let us know.

Ways to Volunteer

Here are a few suggested ways for you to get involved:

Assistance with Outreach and Friends-raising

Volunteers are welcome to help us reach out to supporters, members, friends, and leaders who can support us in diverse ways.

Preparation of Materials

There’s always a need for people who are good word-smiths and can create content and materials for events, programs, outreach, projects, and the like.

Conducting Sessions in Schools

If you are a teacher or love to interact with teachers, and children; and wish to be a part of the Respectful; Schools and Peace Pioneers program, then this may be the place where you can contribute to making wholesome schools and communities.

Assignments at the World Unity Centre, Srinagar, India

From looking after the Resources at the Centre to enabling volunteers and researchers who live and work there, there’s always a lot to do at the WUC. If you are good at organizing, planning, and get along with people, this may be the way for you to help.


The work we do needs resources and the more we can get, the greater is the impact we can have. If you can help with fundraising, you’re most welcome to be a part of the team.


Every part of the world would benefit from afforestation and the enhancement of biodiversity. You too could be a part of this.

Founding Directors

Founding Director

Arun Wakhlu is the Executive Director and Chief Mentor of Pragati Leadership, based in Pune, India. A spiritually inspired and professionally skilled community that works with leading clients in 29 countries, Pragati Leadership works to unfold sustainable value for all stakeholders. Arun is also the Chairman of the Pragati Foundation, an NGO working for catalyzing sustainable livelihoods and Compassion in Education.

Founding Director

Bharat Wakhlu is the Founder and President of The Wakhlu Advisory, a Strategic Consulting and Leadership Development organization. As a Transformational Thought-Leader, a Futurist, and an Innovative and Ethical Value-Creator, he interacts with leaders in all walks of life, and inspires them to work wholesomely; and in ways that enhance the well-being of people, our planet, and all life forms. 

Have Questions? Email us.